The Solution
This is our solution to the business growth problem, and why most agencies and service-based companies fail to make businesses more money.
The Problem
If you’re reading this, you probably either own or work in a business, which you’re looking to grow. You want to move the business forward on all fronts: revenue, profit, sales, etc…
Your current situation is wherever your business stands right now, and your dream situation is wherever you want to be.
Between your current situation, and your dream situation, lies a gap. This gap is everything that you’re lacking, everything that you need to do to reach that destination. In an analogy, this gap is the plane ride you need to take to reach your destination and have your holiday trip.
As you start entering the gap, you are faced with obstacles and challenges (in gray - the 2nd layer). These are the roadblocks you need to overcome, the problems you need to solve, to get to where you want to be.
However, as you face a problem, you realise that it leads to more problems. One problem leads to the next, and the next, until you reach the destination.
However, it doesn’t stop there. One problem doesn’t only lead to another, it creates its own set of sub-problems (in purple - the 3rd layer) that you need to solve, in order to complete the main one, and move on to the next.
This is where you get stuck. Most marketing companies, or service agencies, offer you one solution to one problem, or micro-problem, they don’t really move you forward through the gap. If you wanted to bridge the gap entirely, you’d need to go hire a variety of different companies and service-providers, which would cost you an exorbitant amount of money, for a sub-par, incoherent result, since the parts were done separately, and thus, the system lacks harmony.
What makes us different? Simple. We offer the full package. We offer to bridge the gap for you. Macro-problems, micro-problems? We’ve got that covered.
We’re not a consulting company, or a marketing company, or an online service agency. We’re a growth partner who will integrate into your business, and start working from there. It’s like having your own personal team dedicated to making you more money.
Now, of course, if you want those individual services specifically, instead of the whole package, we provide that too. Check out our individual services here.
The Different Levels
The Gap
The top-most level, is the Gap.
This is the entire journey between where you are, and where you want to be. This is the entire process of GROWTH in a business. This is an umbrella, it includes any and every problem underneath it. This is the full space between you and your objective.
The Micro-Problems
The Problems
The second level, is the Problems. These are the core obstacles that make up the Gap. These are general facets of business, that can then be further broken down into micro-problems.
Examples of Problems:
Paid Traffic
Organic Traffic
This is the lowest level. These are specific problems, that make up a core problem.
For example, SEO is a micro-problem of the core problem of Organic Traffic, Landing Pages is a micro-problem of the core problem of Conversions.
Micro problems are specific problems within a core problem that are required to make up the full solution.
Different Offers for Different Levels
The Gap - The Main Program
If you want us to take you through the Gap, from one end to the other, then the option for you is our Main Program.
Think of this program as our full package. You will have all of our services at your disposal. First, we will do the consulting for your business. Analyse, identify constraints, and make a plan on how to fix those problems, and how to grow. We will then determine what you need. If you need more traffic, we have the people, the skills, and the systems for it. If you need more conversions, we have that too. Think of us as your problem-solvers, we will take care of growing your business. That’s our Main Program in a nutshell.
Then, to implement that plan, we will use our repertoire of skills and abilities, combined with our systems and our software to form a business-scaling machine. With that machine applied to your business, you’ll be making more money in no time.
If you’re an business owner who can afford it, and who has a strong ambition to grow your business, then this is for you. Chances are, you’re an entrepreneur who’s passionate about your specific domain or craft, and you’re already good at it. This is our domain, our area of expertise. This is our craft. And if you can afford it, it will be the greatest investment of your entire life. (Don’t worry, we have a full money-back guarantee so your money isn’t at risk.)
The Problems - Packages
Plug & Play - The Mini Program
If you want us to help you grow, but you’re not interested in a tailored or bespoke approach, then our Mini Program is perfect for you.
We’ll solve your problems, provide you with our services, but it won’t be specifically tailored to your business. This is one level below.
We won’t do any consulting or coaching. This is a technical-only program. We have our proven systems, and we have our skills. We will apply those to your buisness, and operate them ourselves.
Will your business grow? Of course, our system always works. It’s just that it won’t be as tailored or as custom. This is a plug-and-play system.
If you simply want us to solve one problem for you, then the right choice for you would be our Packages.
In this case, we’re simply solving one core problem in your business. The consulting and analysis required to determine that problem is up to you. If you know you have one major constraint in your business, and you want that one problem fixed, then we can do that for you.
For example, your business has a conversion problem. You will then identify that problem, and we will take care of the entire Conversions for your business. We will analyse what needs to be done, implement our systems, and run them for you.
If you only one want specific service, one specific micro-problem solved, then our Individual Services are for you.
Depending on what you request, we will solve your one or multiple micro-problems. For example, if you only need Paid Adveritising. We will set up and run your ads. If you want to add another micro-problem on top of that, such as Landing Pages, then we will provide that too.
We won’t do any consulting or coaching. This is a technical-only service. We will simply operate as a service-provider. This is what most other marketing agencies offer you. One single service.
Will your business grow from this? Of course, any improvement will contribute positively. It’s just that it won’t be anywhere near the potential of the full solution. This is an standalone service.
The Information - Info Products
If you simply want to learn from us, our team of experts, and learn about some of our processes, then our Info Products are for you.
If you’re a novice entrepreneur who’s just getting started, and you don’t have the funds to afford any of our higher level offers, then this is perfect for you.
As a beginner, you have lots of time. and almost no money. This option will be the most time-consuming, as you will have to learn and do everything yourself, but also at the lowest cost.
The Micro-Problems - Services
Our Business Model
We’re not the generic marketing agency to whom you pay a monthly retainer for cheap and mediocre ads or social media profiles. We’re not a typical growth consulting or marketing company that’s simply gonna offer you some services in exchange for money, in the hopes that it might pay off and lead to the reward of you making more money, or growing your business.
We’re not a consulting company, or a marketing company, or an online service agency. We don’t offer services, we offer the reward itself. We don’t offer the plane ticket, or the plane ride, we offer the destination trip itself. We offer to grow your business and to make you more money.
We’re a business that grows businesses. But more importantly, our business model is partnership based. We’re not an agency that you hire, we’re a company that you partner with, that integrates into your business instead of just being an outside contractor.
And we don’t sell a standardised service or commodity, we work with you, and for you. We’re integrated into your business as a team at your service.
Why, you may ask. Wouldn’t it be simpler to run the other model? Of course it would, but our motto is to provide genuine value, and the way we do it, does that exceptionally well. And, because we’re so good at what we do, we make more money than most agencies anyway, so it’s
a win for our clients and a win for us.